Hydration and Why It’s Important

Everyone knows hydration is so important. But we don’t always abide by it. If I know a good reason for something, then I can get behind it. It’s often when we don’t know or understand the reasoning that we ignore the advice. So, let’s find out the good reasons for why we should hydrate, what we should be hydrating with, and some cost effective filters!


Did you know that about 60% of your body is made up of water? With even just a 2% loss of water, your brain cannot function at it’s normal capacity. Memory, concentration, mood and reaction time are all affected. Water helps lubricate your joints, helps with digestion, and aids in weight loss. The sensation of being full with water between meals helps you not snack as much.

Drinking plenty of water helps decrease electrolyte imbalances which directly affects your heart. Conversely, dehydration is bad for your heart as it causes it to work harder. Being fully hydrated gives you more energy, focus, regulates your body temperature, prevents kidney stones, and helps with detoxifying your body. Having sufficient water in your body allows you to remove toxins through sweat, urine, bowel movements and breathing.

Recommendation for Hydration

It’s always been recommended that you drink 8 glasses of water a day. However, this is not covering those who may be exercising or sweating a lot in a day. It doesn’t take into account those who are pregnant or breast feeding or environmental factors. In most cases according to the US National Academies of Sciences on a Mayo Clinic article, it’s recommended that women consume 11 cups and men consume 15. This recommendation covers water from food and other beverages as well. You’ll know you’re hydrated if your urine is clear and you aren’t feeling very thirsty.

Salt Water

It has recently surfaced that drinking salt water in the morning can aid in hydration. This is because salt is a major electrolyte in the body. It is responsible for nerve and muscles functions. So instead of just having plain water all day without electrolytes, this allows for balance. Your body can also absorb the water better.

Try drinking 1/4 tsp of Himalayan salt in a glass of water in the morning. This forces you to start the day by hydrating! This combination is great with a little fresh squeezed lemon to it as well. It is refreshing to your adrenal glands. Himalayan salt is rich in minerals and is very healing. It is unrefined salt that has not been bleached (which removes all the natural minerals). Himalayan salt has magnesium and potassium. Salt water also aids in digestion, helps with constipation, and is detoxifying. It also boosts metabolism, cleanses the mouth, and prevents headaches.

Filters and Alkaline Water

Our bodies are constantly exposed to toxic materials. It is in overdrive trying to detoxify and get back to a state of balance. Alkaline water is water that has a higher pH (usually 8 or 9) than normal drinking water. Which has a pH of about 7. It is believed that tumors/cancers thrive in acidic environments. For reference, coffee has a pH of about 5, and orange juice has a pH of about 3.3. These would both be considered acidic. So, aiding your body by flushing it with alkaline water helps neutralize the threat of acid. Having said that, we do need some levels of acid in our bodies. Our stomach needs acid to break down food.

Alkaline water can ease gastrointestinal symptoms like cramping, bloating, and heartburn. It is also believed to help slow bone deterioration and make you more hydrated. There is definitely conflicting information about alkaline water as far as the medical claims go. So, this is a topic as with all, that I suggest you do your own research. In our house, we have an alkaline filter and have enjoyed drinking this water for several years now. The water tastes so good! You can truly tell the difference.

If you are considering a Berkey, but the price is a little too monstrous…then consider Clearly Filtered. It is a filter much like a Brita that you can easily fill up in your fridge. The filter removes up to 365 contaminates in your tap water. Did you know that a majority of tap water regulations do not require that all contaminates are removed? Instead, they allow certain levels of contaminates. Which in turn can cause life long illnesses including lung disease and not limited to cancer. What is also very alarming is- most regulations haven’t been updated in the last 50 years of what levels are “safe” for contaminates.


So, in summary, hydrate your body! Drink plenty of water so you can be on your mental game! Watermelon, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers are also wonderful to add to your diet for a source of electrolytes and water. Try salt in water in the morning while you’re grounding. And lastly, find a filter that is right for your home to make sure your water is safe!

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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is not meant to be medical advice in any capacity. It is informative in nature, only. Please always consult your doctor for medical advice. Pregnant and nursing moms need to consult with their doctors as well before consuming any herbal medicine.

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