Why We Should Not Fear the Sun

“Make sure to you wear sunscreen!” “Put on sunglasses to protect your eyes.” “The sun causes cancer.” These are all common phrases we hear as summer rolls around each year. We are trained to fear sunlight touching our bodies. And while sunburn is not good for us, maybe overprotecting ourselves from the sun is not the best thing for us either. Let’s take a look.

God’s Design of the Earth

First of all, let’s look at where the sun came from. The sun was designed by God to create energy for the whole earth! Without the sun nothing would be able to survive. Plants literally grow towards the sun. Animals find the sun to lay in rather than trying to avoid it. Genesis 1 tells us that God created the sun and that it was good.

We are so often told by the media, pharmaceutical companies, and marketing companies to fear the things God created. Now, we do live in a fallen world and there are many things in nature that will actually kill us but, for so often we are just being fed lies! God created us to absorb light to help regulate and heal our bodies. The sun is a gift from God, and I believe we need to start looking at it that way.

Benefits of the Sun

The sun has numerous health benefits. Spending time in the sun helps our circadian rhythms stabilize. When we see the sun in the morning, it triggers our bodies to stop making melatonin, the hormone produced to help us sleep. By stopping the production first thing in the morning, we are then able to start producing melatonin in the evening when we are ready to go to bed.

The sun is a great source of vitamin D. And increased levels of vitamin D are associated with decreased depression, increased energy, and stronger bones. Just like with grounding, taking in the energy from the sun is life giving. Think about when it has been raining for days and then there is finally a sunny day. Doesn’t everyone automatically feel better?

Niels Reiburg Finsen was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903 for developing heliotherapy for treating smallpox and tuberculosis of the skin. Heliotherapy, using sunlight to heal, has been used to cure all kinds of skin conditions and diseases. The sun has been used to heal psoriasis and other skin conditions. You can read more on that article here.

Other diseases and conditions known to improve with sun exposure included but are not limited to jaundice, eczema, acne, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, and even certain types of cancer. Remember, the sun is the main source of energy on earth and people have been surviving, actually thriving, on it for thousands of years before modern medicine and sunscreens were created.

Safe Sun Exposure

While the sun is amazing and crucial to our existence, getting a sunburn is harmful. So, what is the best way to expose ourselves to the sun?

  1. Start with small doses. If you don’t spend a lot of time in the sun currently or if you do not tan easily, start with 20 minutes a day. The morning and evening are the best times because the sun is not as harsh at this point in the day.
  2. Eat a natural foods diet. Think about it this way, if it needs the sun to grow, it will help your body absorb the sun too. So stay away from processed foods! And eat lots of organic meat, fruits, and veggies.
  3. If you are going to be out in the sun for a long period of time, use hats and protective clothing to shield your body versus using toxic sunscreen.
  4. Cut out the PUFAS. Poly-unsaturated fats make our bodies more susceptible to sunburn because they increase the free radicals in our body.
  5. When your eyes see the sun, it triggers your body to produce melanin. So, avoid wearing sunglasses which can block this connection.
  6. Much like wearing sunglasses, wearing sunscreen confuses your body as to when it needs to produce more melanin. If you do wish to wear sunscreen, look for mineral sunscreens that is free of parabens, phthalates, and fragrances.


While getting sunburned is not a good idea, exposing your body to the sun is healthy, healing and mood boosting. Our lifestyles today are made up of much time indoors but for thousands of years people have been living outside and exposing themselves to the sun. Remember, God gave us the sun as our main source of energy on earth. So, let’s use it for our benefit!

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is not meant to be medical advice in any capacity. It is informative in nature, only. Please always consult your doctor for medical advice. Pregnant and nursing moms need to consult with their doctors as well before consuming any herbal medicine.

One comment on “Why We Should Not Fear the Sun

Katie Gusefski says:

Thanks for this. Sunshine is amazing and creates such different mood than the clouds! Also, most sunscreens have too many questionable ingredients. You guys are doing a great job!

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