The Inside Scoop About Grounding

Ever wonder why we are so drawn to the outdoors? Why do we feel rejuvenated when we take some deep breaths outside, walk barefoot on the beach, or go on a hike in the woods? It’s because God designed us to be close to his creation for our good! Did you know that being barefoot on the bare earth can be healing to our bodies? This practice is called grounding! Let’s learn more about it…

Closer Look at Grounding

When I first heard the term “grounding,” I thought it was for sure a “new age” practice that was a little far out there. But thankfully, I was very wrong. Grounding or earthing is when your skin comes in direct contact with the earth and it’s electrons. The free electrons are transferred into your body and work as major antioxidants. Our bodies are comprised of mostly water and minerals, which makes it a great conductor of the earth’s electrons.

There are a lot of scientific studies and articles surrounding this. It is truly mind blowing to see how God made the earth to reduce our stress. Once again- how can anyone deny a Creator when you see how intricately he made everything?

According to an interesting scientific article in the NIH library titled: “The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases”, it states that “Grounding appears to improve sleep, normalize the day–night cortisol rhythm, reduce pain, reduce stress, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic toward parasympathetic activation, increase heart rate variability, speed wound healing, and reduce blood viscosity.”

There were several clinical studies in the above article that involved people who had chronic inflammation. Each of them had sessions of grounding every day for just a short period of time. After this, using medical infrared imaging, they were able to see that the areas of inflammation had significantly decreased, and in some cases gone away. Grounding was also highly effective in the treatment of of wounds.

Benefits of Grounding

  • Decreased Inflammation
  • Improves Sleep
  • Lowers Stress
  • Decreased Blood Viscocity
  • Increases Energy
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Regulates Hormones
  • Eases headaches
  • Speeds Wound Healing

Grounding Then and Now

Think about how man was originally made. God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, barefoot (and naked- I’m not suggesting nudist colonies). Obviously, there is a need for shoes these days and clothes! (Ha) But, think of how much more stress we add to our lives by our phones, being indoors too much, and blocking out the sun. Life years ago was spent outside, hands in the dirt, feet on the ground, connected to the outdoors. We have completely flipped it at the risk of our own health.

Now, we have what is referred to as “an electron deficiency syndrome” because we are so far removed from the earth. We allow so many harmful substances into our bodies, and have such little time connected with the earth. (That was made to help rid our bodies of harmful free radicals.) And let me be clear-I am not elevating the earth, I am elevating God as this was his master plan in creation.

It is recommended to spend at least 30 minutes a day barefoot outside. After this time, you will notice that whatever you were stressed about may seem smaller. In one article, a doctor tells his patients who deal with edema (swelling) in their lower legs, to on the beach barefoot for 20 minutes. Afterwards, their swelling was gone. This is truly remarkable! Think of what ailments could be cured if we would implement this practice into our lives!!


So what on earth (literally) are you waiting for?! This is something you can do for your health that is completely free and mostly painless! (As long as there are no sweetgum balls around). I am trying to implement this into my life more. When you go check the mail- go barefoot. If you are bringing your neighbor some brownies, go barefoot! Working in the garden? Go barefoot! Share your grounding experiences below in the comments!

3 comments on “The Inside Scoop About Grounding

Amy Vogler says:

I love this! Great information!

[…] D are associated with decreased depression, increased energy, and stronger bones. Just like with grounding, taking in the energy from the sun is life giving. Think about when it has been raining for days […]

[…] diet for a source of electrolytes and water. Try salt in water in the morning while you’re grounding. And lastly, find a filter that is right for your home to make sure your water is […]

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