Everything You Didn’t Know About Garlic: The Natural Antibiotic

You know the Father’s obsession with Windex in the movie, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding?” He literally puts it on everything. Think along those lines with Garlic…it can be used for just about everything.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Moreover, did you know that until about 1942, (when Penicillin was created), that doctors used garlic medicinally regularly? It was used to kill viruses, treat fungal and bacterial infections. During WW1, garlic was used to combat infections on the battlefields. Garlic was mixed in a concoction with vinegar to protect against the plague in 1722. Needless to say, it was highly esteemed in it’s day until the pharmaceutical world came along. Unfortunately, you can’t make that much money off of garlic. So, you get it.

There are two main ingredients in garlic that allow for it’s health benefits:

  • Allicin– this is produced when garlic is crushed or very finely chopped
    • Sulfenic Acid is produced when the clove is crushed and then turns into Allicin. It has a very strong antibiotic property. So the longer it can sit after it’s crushed/chopped, the stronger the properties. (About 15 min is most beneficial)
  • Diallyl Sulphides– This allows it to be antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidative, anticancer.

Consuming Garlic has these effects

  • Lowers/Regulates blood sugar
  • Lowers LDL
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Anti-fungal/Anti-Viral properties
  • Kills staph
  • Stops bruising
  • Boosts the Immune System
  • Helps remove heavy metals from the body
  • Removes parasites
  • Helps prevent blood clots
  • Reduces plaque build up in the arteries
  • Used to treat coughs, colds, abscesses, pneumonia…Windex guys…think Windex. Use it for everything.

Research all this for yourself. Take a few minutes and you will see it’s not folklore, it’s true!


The awesome thing is, your body cannot become resistant to garlic, like it can to antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics end up lowering your immune system. Garlic, on the other hand, enhances your immune system. Often times, you will find that nasty infection comes back- maybe even worse after taking antibiotics. Please hear me out. I am not saying you should never take antibiotics. There is definitely a time and place. But, when you can, try the natural route first.

With garlic and anything natural, frequency is the key. Take garlic every 2 hours when you are facing an acute infection. For instance, when you have a cold coming on, chop up one garlic clove and swallow it with water every few hours during the day. Sure, that sounds easy enough…but what about my kids? Or, how about the person with a strong gag reflex: aka, my husband! Put some chopped up garlic in applesauce. Sprinkle raw garlic over a piece of buttered toast. Additionally, you can a douse it in honey! Whatever you need to do to get it down.

In conclusion

Make garlic your “go-to” before you go-to the doctor. Try it! Remember, frequency is the key! It will not hurt you to try. You may smell like a rotisserie chicken (as my husband so lovingly told me). But, you will be doing your body a favor. You’ll surprise yourself at how equipped you can become at treating things at home. Add this with your homemade elderberry syrup, and your immune system will thank you!

Medical Disclaimer: The information on this site is not meant to be medical advice in any capacity. It is informative in nature, only. Please always consult your doctor for medical advice. Pregnant and nursing moms need to consult with their doctors as well before consuming any herbal medicine.

One comment on “Everything You Didn’t Know About Garlic: The Natural Antibiotic

[…] day tea” and we all sip on it all day long. This tea consists of ginger, garlic (see blog for all of the great benefits of garlic), honey and lemon. All of these ingredients are natural and […]

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