Get to Know the Crunchy(ish) Mamas-Hope

Hey Y’all! I’m Hope, and I’m one of the brains behind The Crunchy(ish) Mamas. First and foremost, I’m a follower of Jesus Christ and I want my life to reflect him. I’m an ER nurse at a local hospital and a mom of 3 beautiful little red heads. I’ve been married for 10 years this coming June to the hunk who stole my heart at a tacky Christmas sweater party in college.

I’ve loved becoming a homemaker and Mama. It is the greatest privilege and joy of my life. When it’s warm out, you can find me in the garden. This is where I am able to exhale, relax, and hear from God. I love making things from scratch and learning about herbs God has already given us that can heal our bodies. I dream of having a piece of land and a mini farm where my kids can run around and explore. For now, we live in the suburbs on a cul-de-sac with our 7 chickens and one dog on our mini “homestead.”

Not so crunchy

I didn’t start out crunchy, and I really wasn’t raised crunchy. This has been a gradual pursuit for me. You’ll still catch me with a treat after dinner or a sun chip bag over my head as I polish off the crumbs. I truly think this lifestyle is about balance and a do-able pace. Not perfection. Hence the name “Crunchy(ish).”

As a nurse, I had traditional western medicine training. You are sick, you take medicine. You treat the symptoms, not necessarily the actual cause. When you’re little, you get vaccines. Because hey- we all had them and we are fine… right? Who needs to read food labels? The FDA cleared all this- we’re good! Just do what you’re told and you’ll be fine.

The Change

Something changed when I had my first tiny little life to care for. It wasn’t just about my life. And for many moms (and dads), this moment rings true. Something in your gut (God’s nudge) prods you to search and become informed on things versus being spoon fed.

And so the search begins… and often brings us back to our original roots. Learning how to do things with our hands like our grandparents used to. Because let’s face it- in our day and age we really don’t have a lot of practical skills. Everything is “press this button for automatic ease in life.” But when those things break, we have no actual ability to function without them. What can we pass on to our kids that will prove to be useful other than knowing how to look it up on a phone?

I’m talking about learning how to garden, raise chickens, homesteading in the suburbs, and how to involve your kids in this. Learning about herbs that God made that can heal us! (Everything, as you will see- just points right to Him!) Let’s make things with our hands- like sourdough bread, elderberry syrup, and learn how to can/ prep our pantry for the winter. Let’s treat ailments at home with things that support our body- and saving the doctor visit for TRUE emergencies.

Join Me!

This journey isn’t about eating perfectly 100% of the time or using only homemade products. It’s about the joy of discovering what God has already given us for an even fuller life. (And also indulging in a Chick-fil-A sandwich when you need it!) Maybe you’re just getting started down the rabbit hole of a simpler, crunchier life- or maybe you’ve been doing it for years. I’m just excited you’re here. Come alongside me and learn with me! I’ve been on this journey for about 6 years now, but I still have a lot to learn. I’ll teach you what I know and what I’ve learned from experience. I’d love to glean from you too.

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